Our matching specialists recently added several new children to our CAN Waiting Child photo listing! Each of these children and sibling groups from Bulgaria, Haiti, and Burundi are hoping to find their Forever Families. Due to privacy policies for some of these programs, we are unable to post photos of the children here. If you’re interested in seeing their photos, viewing their files, or learning more about them, contact our CAN matching specialists today!

The G Triplets:
These three brothers have been nicknamed the “G Triplets” because all of their names start with the letter G. That’s not where their similarities end, however, as these three healthy brothers are about as close as can be. All 12 years old, the G Triplets told our representatives that their favorite colors are blue and yellow. They also stated that they’re all best friends, and they hope that one day they’ll all be teachers or pastors!
For more information about these amazing brothers, contact our Haiti Waiting Child adoption specialist, or
visit our photo listing to request their files!
This sweet little 5 year old cannot wait to find his forever family. He told our in-country representatives that he is excited to have a mommy and daddy and is wondering when they are coming for him. Maxwell’s special needs include a shortened left lower limb but he can run and walk very well. He is also delayed but our reps say he is improving everyday! If you would like to learn more about Maxwell please reach out to our CAN team today!
Alena is an adorable 3 year old who is in need of a loving Forever Family. Her caretakers describe her as an easy-going, sociable, curious, and tidy girl who is always interested in learning new things. While Alena is a part of our Bulgaria Waiting Child adoption program, she her needs are relatively minor and have for the most part corrected themselves. While she was diagnosed with infantile cerebral palsy, she is able to walk, run, and squat independently. She was also diagnosed with retinopathy of prematurity, but wears glasses and is able to see. Alena is currently taking no medications, has no further need for physical therapy, and has well developed gross and fine motor skills. While her speech is somewhat delayed, all other aspects of her development are nearly on target compared to other children her age. Her caretakers say that she has been making consistent progress over time, and has excellent potential. If you’re interested in learning more about Alena, contact our matching specialists today to view her file!
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One of the amazing families in our Bulgaria adoption program has begun submitting their paperwork to adopt a sibling group of THREE!
When they first met, Kam and Travis would have never imagined that they would be adopting a sibling group of three, however, over the years they began to feel that God had a sense of humor when it came to answering their prayers. While adoption had always held a place in Kam’s heart, Travis took a little bit longer to come around to the idea of it. In 2010 when a devastating earthquake struck Haiti, Travis saw the need of children around the world and began to feel that his heart was opening to the idea of adopting.
When the time came for Kam and Travis to select a program to adopt through, they decided to sign up for our Bulgaria Waiting Child program, as Kam had traveled there previously on a mission trip. While she was there, she was surprised by the impact that the older orphans had on her, as they were fully aware of their situation and of the loss in their lives. Adopting an older sibling group just made sense to both of them.There is such a need when it comes to taking care of the orphan but there is an even greater need for sibling groups. The larger the group or older they are, the smaller their chances are of ever having a forever family. The odds go down even more if there are boys in the group. Since Kam and Travis already have 3 boys in their family they felt that adopting a sibling group with two boys and one girl would just add to the fun!
Kam and Travis are both very excited to begin their journey towards bringing their kiddos home from Bulgaria so that they can add to their three ring circus!
“Adopting into our family won’t make a very big dent in the 175 million+ orphan crisis, we realize, but it will make a difference to the ones we bring home.”
Visit Kam and Travis’ YouCaring page to read more about their adoption journey or to contribute to their fundraiser!
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We are THRILLED to announce that two 12-year-old twin sisters in our Bulgaria adoption program have officially been matched with a family! We are so excited for these sisters and their new family, as they are one step closer to coming home forever. Congratulations from all of us at GWCA and CAN!
In our Bulgaria Waiting Child adoption program, families can be matched with a child or sibling group at any point in the process! Contact our CAN matching specialists or join our private Bulgaria Facebook group today to learn how you can be matched with one of our other waiting children!
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The three families that recently traveled to Haiti for their Socialization trips are back, and catching up with them and hearing their stories has been amazing! After talking to them so much before they left I felt the tables had turned while they were in country and I was constantly waiting for them to email me with updates(I imagine this is how families feel waiting to hear from me!). They all had a wonderful time in country and a couple of them are going back this summer to see their kiddos again while we wait for the adoptions to finalize.
What’s next…
Once a referral is received for a family and the Socialization trip happens the social worker that conducted the visit with the family and the child has 10 days to submit a report to IBESR. Once this is submitted the dossiers (family and child) will go to four different offices to get signed off on. After all the signatures are provided the dossiers are able to be pulled from IBESR and the family is invited for the final trip to complete the adoption.
Now that Haiti has gone Hague we all anticipated more movement happening and ideally the process in general taking less time. After various meetings were held in country it sounded like the matching time for families would be around a year from dossier submission and around 4 months between the Socialization trip and finalization. So for the time being all we can do is hope this is how the process will be going forward, and we can get all these children home soon!
“I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” John 14:18
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Our CAN Matching Specialist have just received ELEVEN new files for children in our Bulgaria adoption program! This Waiting Child program provides families with the opportunity to be matched with a child at any point in their adoption process, meaning even if you haven’t started your adoption journey yet you could be matched today!
While each international adoption program has its own set of eligibility requirements, Bulgaria’s requirements are relatively open, making it a great option for many families! If you’re interested in learning more about our new Waiting Children or gathering more information on how you can get your adoption journey started today, our Matching Specialists would be happy to speak with you!
*Due to privacy policies, we are unable to post photos of Bulgarian Waiting Children here. If you are interested in seeing their photos, visit our Waiting Child Photo Listing, or contact us today!
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We are so happy to announce that one of the families in the traditional track of our Bulgaria adoption program has just received a referral for a beautiful 8 year old girl! Congratulations from all of us at GWCA and CAN!
Our Bulgaria adoption program has both a Waiting Child track and a traditional program. While families in the Waiting Child track can be matched with a child at any point in the process, families in the traditional track are issued a referral based parameters that they specified. Typically, the more open a family is in terms of the child’s age range and gender, the shorter their referral time will be.
If you would like more information on our Bulgaria adoption programs, contact our Matching Specialists today!
Bulgaria Adoption Resources:
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One of the wonderful families in our Philippines adoption program has just received a referral for a sibling group of FIVE! It is so incredible to see this family opening their hearts and their home to welcome these amazing kiddos, and we could not be more excited to see them joining a loving Forever Family. Congratulations from all of us at GWCA and CAN!
Children of All Nations’ different Philippines adoption programs provide families with varying adoption desires a safe and stable process. If you’re interested in adopting a child or sibling group from the Philippines, contact our CAN Matching Specialists today!
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We are so happy to announce that six kids from our Philippines adoption program have recently come home to their Forever Families! We are so incredibly excited for these kiddos as they get settled into their lives here in the US, and we can’t wait to see what their futures hold. Congratulations from all of us at Children of All Nations!
Interested in adopting from the Philippines?
Children of All Nations has three different Philippines adoption programs, a Waiting Child program, a Healthy Track, and a Relative Adoption program.
Healthy Track Adoption
Each year we are given a limited number of spots to fill for the Healthy Track program, and we are now accepting applications! If your family is interested in learning how you can adopt a medically healthy child from the Philippines, contact our CAN Matching Specialists to learn how you can get started today! In this program, families must be open to adopting a child of either gender. Additionally, while there is a possibility of being matched with a child as young as 2.5 years old, we ask that families are open to at least age 5.
Waiting Child Program
Our Philippines Waiting Child program provides families with the opportunity to look for their child on what is referred to as the “Special Homes Findings List.” This is a list of children that are considered more difficult to place based on their age, their special need, or the fact that they are a part of a sibling group of two or more. Families in this program do not necessarily have to be open to either gender, making it a great option for families that feel strongly about being matched with a child of a specific gender.
Relative Adoption
If you currently have a family member that is living in the Philippines and is in need of adoption, CAN may be able to help! Contact our Philippines Matching Specialist today to learn more!
*For privacy purposes, the image used is a stock photo.
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After a lot of chaos, stress, excitement, more stress, more chaos, and of course more excitement we officially now have three families in country for their socialization trips! These are the phone calls I get to make very few and far between since the wait times for Haiti are longer but they are always the most exciting. Well, almost as exciting as calling families and telling them we FINALLY got their referral. Each family in country is at a different step in their journey but I am so glad they all have each other in country to bond, converse, and ultimately to gain new friendships. As a case manager these are some of the greatest moments..getting my families to this point; the point we have all been waiting for and ultimately what can also be known as the light at the end of the tunnel.
“Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.”
If your family is interested in learning more about our Haiti adoption program, contact our Matching Specialist, Hilary, at hilary@childrenofallnations.com or get updates about our current families by following her blog!
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Today our agency had the privilege of hosting a meeting for the International Visitor Leadership Program upon the request of the Department of State. Several of our staff members met with delegates from Ukraine’s Central Authority to discuss the Hague Convention, international and special needs adoption, and the role of government in regulating adoption. It was a wonderful opportunity to connect with one of the countries we serve.
We were truly honored to have this opportunity, and we hope that our visitors enjoy the rest of their stay!
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