
About Us

Children of All Nations (CAN), operated by Great Wall China Adoption, is a division of one of America’s leading international adoption agencies. CAN is dedicated to improving the lives of children by constantly reaching out to nations around the world to place children and give humanitarian aid on a global scale.

Drawing on 20 years of experience in placing children, advocating for improved legislation and international relations, and initiating charity programs focused on child welfare, CAN has opened its doors and hearts to a new world challenge.

As a division of Great Wall China Adoption, Children of All Nations is built on the solid foundation of a fully Hague accredited 501(c)3 non-profit organization with the highest of service standards.

Mission Statement

Great Wall China Adoption/Children of All Nations is dedicated to helping children around the world find loving and permanent families of their own through international adoptions and cross cultural exchange programs, in accordance with The Hague Convention on Protection of Children, and US and international laws.

Core Value

Great Wall China Adoption/Children of All Nations believes children should grow up in a setting that offers them the optimal conditions for full emotional, cultural and physical development.


In accordance with our mission, at Great Wall China Adoption/Children of All Nations we aim to accomplish three goals:

  • Work with countries around the world to find homes for orphaned and abandoned children.
  • Assist US and foreign governments to improve both the international adoption process and laws to protect children.
  • Act as ambassadors to educate the public toward building a better relationship between the US and other countries.

Current Adoption Programs

We currently offer programs in the following countries:

Charity Programs

We recognize that completing families through adoption is just one of the many ways we can help improve the lives of children around the world. With this in mind, CAN is taking an active role in making lasting improvements in countries all over the world. We encourage our clients to discover the gratifying experience of helping to improve another country. Our multiple donation and sponsorship programs provide families, professionals, and even children opportunities to give medical care, improve education, build infrastructure, or simply share kind thoughts to brighten someone’s day.

If you have any questions, please contact us at 512-323-9595 or contact us here.