Adoption Tax Credit
For many families, the cost associated with adopting a child or sibling group can be very discouraging. Even for families with the best of intentions and the purest of hearts, a lack of finances can mean the difference between providing a orphan with a loving home and turning a reluctant cheek to the overwhelming need. The Adoption Tax Credit has done so much to bridge this gap, and for that we are forever grateful!
With Tax Day quickly approaching and the issue of tax reform up for discussion, the Adoption Tax Credit Working Group has launched a “Thank You” campaign to remind members of Congress about the importance of the Adoption Tax Credit and the change it has brought to countless families. Click the link below to add your voice to their campaign to help get their message across!
“Did the Adoption Tax Credit help you build your family? Use our form to send a thank you letter to your Members of Congress for supporting the ATC!: https://secure2.convio.net/res/site/Advocacy…”
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Why CAN Loves Latvia!
CAN’s international adoption counselors love playing a role in helping families bring their children home, from helping them find the right adoption program to sharing updates on matches and referrals. Our adoption counselors are passionate about the programs that they work with, and are prepared to answer any questions that families may have about the adoption process and the children who are in need of families. If you’re interested in speaking with one of our adoption specialists, contact us today!
Here’s what one of our CAN adoption specialists, Shelby, has to say about our Latvia adoption program!

Older children generally have a better understanding of what adoption entails and often talk to our in-country representatives about their desire to find their forever family in the United States. Many of the older children have watched their friends in the foster homes and orphanages find families, and begin to lose hope that they will ever find a family of their own.
One of our Eastern European counties, Latvia, focuses on finding forever families for these amazing kiddos. We see a wide array of special needs in this program, ranging from very minor to more moderate or severe. In fact, some of the things that Latvia considers a minor medical need are things that we see commonly in in the United States: allergies, asthma, glasses/contacts, speech impairments, etc. For this reason, we always encourage families to gain a better understanding of what each need is before ruling out the idea of adopting a child with special needs.
The Latvia adoption journey is unique in many ways. Not only does this program offer one of the quickest waiting times to be matched (6-18 months), families are also able to travel almost immediately after receiving their child’s referral. The first travel trip requires a 4 week stay in country and allows the family to bond with their child in an environment that they’re familiar with. Once the 4 week period comes to an end, the family has the opportunity to bring their kiddo back to the US to live with them until the second trip occurs, which is typically 2-4 months later. There are currently no other countries which allow adoptive families to remain with their child in between the travel trips! This program also offers the unique opportunity for families to be soft matched with a waiting child before submitting their dossier paperwork. Essentially this could cut out the majority of your 6-18 month wait time!
If you are interested in learning more about our Latvia adoption program or the special needs that we typically see, I would love to set up a time to speak with you! I can be reached at (512)323-9595 or at info@childrenofallnations.com. Together we can work to provide these incredible kiddos with the loving families they deserve!
– Learn more about adopting from Latvia
– Contact a Latvia adoption specialist
– Visit the CAN Waiting Child photo listing

8 New Kids Added Today!
Our CAN adoption specialists recently received new files for children in our Bulgaria Waiting Child adoption program, and EIGHT of these kids have just been added to the CAN photo listing! One of the most appealing aspects of our Bulgaria Waiting Child adoption program is that families are able to be matched with a child or sibling group right away. That means even if you haven’t started your adoption journey you can request to be matched with one of our new kiddos!
Visit our CAN photo listing or contact our matching specialists to view a child’s file!
Meet our newest kids:
– Andy – 13 year old boy
– Sibling group of 3 – Tessa (11), Michaela (14) and Ian (15)
– Sibling group of 4 – Scott (6), Katie (8), Ben (11) and Andrew (12)
Some of the other incredible kids we’re advocating for:
– Twin Brother – Ivan and Spencer (12 years old)
– Kale – 14 year old boy
– Devin – 8 year old boy
– Reagan – 11 year old boy
– Maxwell – 6 year old boy
If you’re interested in learning more about our Bulgaria Waiting Child adoption program, visit the CAN website or contact an adoption specialist today!
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Two Kids Home from Haiti!
Welcome Home!
What better way to start off the week than to announce that TWO kids in our Haiti adoption program have just joined their Forever Families!
These incredible families have been waiting for this moment since the day they received their referrals. While they’ve since been able to visit their boys for their bonding trips, they’ve finally reached the moment when they’ll never have to say goodbye again. Their journey up to this point has been absolutely amazing, and our Haiti adoption specialist, Hilary, has loved working with them to help bring their kiddos home. Congratulations from all of us at Children of All Nations, and welcome home!
Visit Hilary’s blog to see her latest post about these kiddos coming home!
About Haiti Adoption
CAN’s Haiti adoption program has both a “Healthy Track” and a Waiting Child adoption program, making it a great fit for families with various adoption desires. There are countless reasons why our families love this program, from the close proximity to the United States to the ties to past mission trips. If you’re interested in learning how you can begin your Haiti adoption journey, contact CAN today!
– Learn more about CAN’s Haiti adoption program
– Contact an adoption specialist

“Kale” Is Holding on to Hope!
Did you know?
Families in CAN’s Bulgaria Waiting Child adoption program can be matched with a child or sibling group at any point in the process! Visit the CAN photo listing or contact our Bulgaria adoption specialists today to learn more!
Kale is a handsome and outgoing boy who will be turning 14 years old this month. When he spoke to our in-country representatives, he said he knows it’s unlikely that he’ll find a Forever Family due to his age, but he’s still holding on to hope.
Kale said he has always wanted to be adopted by a family in the United States so that he can begin a new life with the love and support of a family. Throughout the years, he has watched his friends in the group home find their families, and he wants so desperately for him to find a family of his own. When our rep began asking him questions, he was reluctant to speak up because he was worried that his answers would be different than the kids’ who had previously been adopted.
Based on everything we’ve heard from our Bulgaria reps, Kale is an incredibly sweet, happy and kindhearted boy who wants nothing more than to have a family and a feeling of belonging. He has normal physical and psychological development, a good sense of self-esteem, and he’s always happy to help out around the group home.
If you are interested in learning more about Kale or if you would like to see his medical file, photos and videos, please visit our CAN photo listing or contact our CAN matching specialists today!
– Learn more about CAN’s Bulgaria adoption program
– Visit the Waiting Child photo listing to request Kale’s file
– Contact an adoption specialist

Emma is Waiting
Meet Emma!
We are currently advocating for an incredible girl in our Haiti Waiting Child adoption program who recently turned 6 years old. For advocacy purposes we’re calling her “Emma,” but around her creche she’s known as “Ti Manmi” or “Little Mommy” because she loves helping out with the younger kiddos.
Emma has been diagnosed with HIV, and is in need of a family who will be able to provide her with the medical treatment and love that she so deserves. She was brought to the creche when she was just one and a half years old, and has been waiting ever since.
Emma’s caretakers describe her as being a sweet girl who is full of energy and who absolutely loves blowing kisses to those around her! She’s starting to grow out of nap time, so often times she will play quietly while her friends sleep. Her caretakers are so very proud of how well she’s able to listen and obey when they speak to her.
Emma loves to play outside, write, and color. She is an active girl who enjoys being the center of attention. We truly think that Emma will thrive with the love and support of a family.
Please Note – Much of Emma’s paperwork in Haiti has already been completed, so any family that would like to be matched with her will need to move very quickly to get their dossier submitted! If you’re interested in learning how you can be matched with Emma, contact our Haiti matching specialist at hilary@childrenofallnations.com today!
What is HIV?
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a virus which attacks certain cells in the immune system making it difficult for the body to fight infections. In its most advanced stages, HIV can become AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), however, just because someone has been diagnosed with HIV does not mean that they have AIDS. With modern medicine there are certain treatments which can now help to prevent the virus from progressing.
How is HIV spread?
HIV is spread by coming in contact with certain bodily fluids from a person infected with HIV. In the case of many Waiting Children who have been diagnosed with HIV, the infection is transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy and childbirth.
Will adopting a child with HIV put my family at risk?
Many studies have shown that HIV is not spread through common household activities. For example, you cannot get HIV by sharing food or drinks, using the same bed or toilet, changing diapers, hugging, kissing, bathing or swimming with someone who has HIV.
The following “bodily fluids” are NOT infectious:
Saliva, tears, sweat, feces or urine.
If you’re interested in learning more about Emma or any of the other kids in our Haiti Waiting Child adoption program, contact Children of All Nations!
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3 Reasons to Start Your Latvia Adoption Process
Many of the families in our Latvia adoption program choose to participate in our Orphan Hosting program to get a general idea of what the process is like. It’s a great way to connect with Latvia and get a sense of what the adoption process ahead could hold while giving a child the chance to see what the world outside of Latvia has to offer!
Below are three reasons why you should consider getting started with your adoption process right away, rather than waiting until after the hosting program:
1. The Kids are AMAZING
The kids in Latvia come from various backgrounds but the one thing they have in common is that they are all AMAZING! The kids in adoption range from 9-15 years old. Most don’t have any medical concerns. They come from rough pasts and need someone to give them the chance they deserve. No child deserves to not have a family. Many of the children have some concept of English if they aren’t already fluent! They are charming, sweet, and so ready to see what America is all about!
2. Matching
In the Latvia adoption process, once a family’s dossier has been submitted they are put in line to receive their referral. If your family begins the adoption process prior to hosting, and you do not move forward with the adoption of your host child, you will have the option to receive a referral through the traditional Latvia adoption program.
3.One Step Closer to Bringing Your Child Home!
With Latvia Hosting, it is common for families to re-host their child if they are hoping to pursue their adoption. Depending on the length of time that it takes a family to complete their adoption, they may end up re-hosting multiple times. If your family is prepared to begin the Latvia adoption process, we encourage you to get started right away so that you can complete the process and bring your child home as soon as possible!
If your family would like more information on our Latvia adoption program, contact our CAN adoption specialists today!
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A Look Inside Latvia
We work with many different countries for our adoption and Orphan Hosting programs, each with it’s own culture and regulations. While in many ways this is ideal as each program has something new and unique to offer, it also means that each program functions in its own way, often times presenting many unanticipated obstacles. Understandably, these obstacles can be very frustrating for our families, no matter how prepared they are going into the process. For this reason, we have reached out to one of the families who has participated in both our Latvia hosting and adoption programs to ask for their thoughts on the process:
During our adoption process I’ve taken the opportunity to do A LOT of research on Latvia adoptions (like, to the point of obsession y’all). One of the things I have noticed across the board for adoptions from Latvia is the amount of hurtles almost all of them must overcome, many unsuccessfully. Again, none of these are related to the adoption agency, but they often get blamed because people are very emotional and may feel like they were ill-informed going into the situation. This seems to be common with families who have hosted and only have interest in the adoption of one particular child or sibling group. I know it can be discouraging to talk about the negatives with a family who is at the beginning of the adoption process, but setting up realistic expectations can be super important with families who go through stress, anxiety, and many times loss, during the journey. All of these aren’t specific to our experience, but again, I do tons of reading and see these complaints most often. At the bottom are my most used resources for info, mostly Facebook pages because they contain up-to date stuff and real life, unbiased situations.
Possible Challenges:
The Children Decide
The children are asked multiple times during the adoption process if they want to go to America with their potential adoptive family. The Latvian adoption court takes their opinion very seriously (even when the child is young). There may be influence on the child to stay in Latvia by friends, family or orphanages or the child may be too afraid of leaving everything they have ever known. It is common for a child to want to stay in America while here, but change their mind after returning home. If their answer is no, then you will not be allowed to adopt at that time. You may be able to host again (if the child is willing) and then re-approach the courts at a later time, but paperwork and fees may need to be resubmitted depending on the length of time that has passed.
Even though parental rights may have been terminated, it may be, that a member of bio family will fight for their rights back when they are informed about an international adoption. If the child is in a foster family, they may choose to proceed with adoption. The courts will do what is in the best interest of the child, and many times, they view that as staying in Latvia.
In-Country Delays
Delays in the Orphan Court system are common. As in most Eastern European countries, holidays are taken regularly and the courts shut down. Many other factors influence the pace of an adoption!
Availability of Information
If you are adopting a child you have hosted, they may not be on the international adoption list. If that is the case, you will not get information listing your child’s medical history, family history and potential disabilities until the time of your referral, which is just before the first trip. After receiving the referral, you will give your official answer as to adopt the child(ren) or not.
Schooling Upon Arrival
If you choose to take your child(ren) home after the first trip, they will be traveling on a visa that does not permit enrollment in school. You do have the option to home school, or have them ‘visit’ a school for no more than 18 hours a week for subjects like art, gym, lunch, music ect.
Transition from Hosting to Adoption
If you have hosted before, be prepared for things to be different once the adoption is complete. Hosting is a month long vacation and now it’s for real. People treat acquaintances (even close ones) differently than they do family, and sometimes family gets the worst of us. Remember these kids are coming from a place of fear, instability and trauma (even if you didn’t notice any signs during hosting). That doesn’t just go away…ever!
Positives of Latvia Adoption:
On a happier note, I do think there are SO MANY positives regarding Latvia adoption!
Children Are Cared For
The Latvian orphan courts truly care about the well being of the children in their care. Additionally, the children are well taken care of when in an orphanage setting or in a foster family. Whenever possible, foster families are utilized, making adjustment into a family as setting smooth as possible.
Home After First Trip!
Unlike many adoption programs where families are unable to bring their child home until the final trip, Latvia gives families the opportunity to take their kiddo home with them after the first court hearing on the trip so that they can start bonding!
Option to Host
Many older children are available for hosting, so you can get to know them before deciding to adopt.
Children Learn English
Children are taught English in school. Many are fluent, or quickly learn when in the US.
Positives of Hosting
- Hosting our kiddo has been one of the most rewarding experiences of our lives!
- We had a connection with our host child right away, despite some language barriers.
- It’s wonderful to see her experience things for the first time.
- She learns so much each time she visits (we’ve hosted multiple times) and is completely fluent in English now!
- We bond with her more and more each trip. She has close relationships with us and our families. She also has friends in the US that she looks forward to visiting each time.
- We get to provide our kiddo with new experiences and skills like theater class and swim lessons.
- We also send her home with warm clothes. It’s good to know that we can help be comfortable even when we are far away.
Working With CAN

Haiti’s Waiting Children
Haiti Waiting Child Adoption
CAN’s Haiti adoption program, like many others, has both a Healthy Track and a Waiting Child program. Choosing the program that fits your family’s adoption desires is simply a matter of deciding what you’re open to in terms of age range, special needs and sibling groups. For families that feel a younger, medically healthy child would be the best fit, our Healthy Track program is typically the best fit. For families that have a wider age range, are open to medical needs, or would like to adopt a sibling group, however, our Haiti Waiting Child adoption program is a great option!
Below are a few of the Waiting Children from Haiti that we’re currently advocating for. If you would like more information on any of these kiddos, or to find out how you can start your adoption through our Haiti program, contact CAN today!
Meet the Kids!
Emma is an adorable little girl who just turned six years old! She was brought to the orphanage when she was just one and a half years old, and has been living there ever since.
Emma is an active girl who likes to play outside and is full of life and energy. She enjoys writing and coloring, and blowing kisses to those around her. She likes to be the center of attention, and is often found helping out with the younger children around the orphanage. Her caretakers say that she is very sweet, and she has earned herself the nickname “Ti Manmi,” which means “Little Mommy” in creole.
Gavin, Grant & Grayson
These three brothers are as close as can be! They have been nicknamed the “G Triplets” because all of their names start with the letter G. These incredible 12 year old brothers told our representatives that they’re all best friends with the same favorite colors, blue and yellow. All three of them hope to become teachers or pastors!
Wilson is an incredibly sweet boy who was brought to the orphanage seven years ago after being found in a ravine close by. One of our Haiti adoption counselors had the chance to visit with Wilson during a trip to Haiti in early 2016, and she said he is the happiest kiddo you’ll ever meet.
Wilson can always be seen with a smile on his face, and he doesn’t let anything get him down. His caretakers said the following about him:
“Wilson does really good walking with his walker, he tries so hard. He is a very happy boy and just lights up a room. He is a favorite with all the teams. He loves to play and be outside with the other kids. He loves school! He eats well and sleeps well to. He has a new nurse that helps him and the other special needs children. She does a great job caring for the children.”
We are so hopeful that Wilson will find his forever family very soon. Contact CAN to learn how you can be matched with him through our Haiti Waiting Child adoption program.
Is your family open to adopting a child with HIV?
One of the creches that Children of All Nations is partnered with recently informed us that they’re looking to place a child who has been diagnosed with HIV. If you’re open to adopting a child with HIV and you’re interested in learning more, contact hilary@childrenofallnations.com for more information.
About Post Author
My goal as a promotion specialist for GWCA and CAN is to advocate for the Waiting Children in our international adoption programs to help them find loving Forever Families.
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