Haiti Referrals!
We are so excited that CAN has received 3 kiddos referrals from HAITI in the past two months!! We’re also thrilled to announce that 4 Haitian children came come home to join their Forever Families!
We cannot wait to see what the future holds for our Haiti Program, and would love to talk with you about the adoption process.
CAN is currently accepting adoption applications for 2019, and we work hard to advocate for all of our children!
Please contact Becca, our Haiti Case Manager, at becca@childrenofallnations.com to get more info or schedule a call!
We’re eager to speak with you and to bring more amazing kiddos home!
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Haiti Orphan Care Trip 2018
Be the Change You Wish to See in the World
Would you like a way to directly give back and help children in need this year? Do you want to see how YOU can truly make an impact? Then join us from April 27th to May 1st, 2018 for Children of All Nation’s Orphan Care Trip to Haiti! This trip is perfect for anyone interested in supporting a good cause or learning more about the culture in Haiti.
You will be travelling to Haiti with our Orphan Care Team Leader Hilary, who’s an expert guide. During this trip, you will have the opportunity to work directly with children, complete orphanage projects, explore local businesses that support orphans, and more!
Our previous Orphan Care Team had the experience of a lifetime helping the children in Haiti. Read about their stories here and here!
Spots for this trip are limited, so don’t wait- apply as soon as possible! For more information, please contact our Hilary at hilary@childrenofallnations.com or call 512-323-9595 ext. 3062

Valentines for Haiti
A big thank you from all of us at GWCA and CAN for sending love to the orphans in Haiti for Valentine’s Day! We sent over 200 valentine cards, stickers, and cake to the kids. Because of you, these kids spent Valentine’s Day feeling special and loved. Check out pictures of their Valentine’s celebrations below!
If you want to send something special to the kids in Haiti, it’s not too late! You can order a cake package for any occasion. For more ways to help the kids, please contact our Adoption Counselor Hilary at hilary@childrenofallnations.com.
- Learn about Haiti adoption
- Visit the photo listing to see our Waiting Children from Haiti!
- Contact our CAN Matching Team

New Haiti Referral
We’re excited to announce that we received a referral for a family that’s adopting from Haiti (a 4-year-old girl)! A referral means that a child has been selected for a family, and it’s an incredible milestone in the adoption process. Congratulations to the family from all of us at CAN! The next step for them would be to travel to Haiti to meet and bond with their new little girl. We look forward to following the rest of their adoption journey!
Haiti Adoption
CAN’s Haiti adoption program has both a Healthy Track and a Waiting Child program. Our Healthy Track program gives families the opportunity to be matched with a medically healthy child, while the Waiting Child program helps find homes for older children, sibling groups, and children of all ages with special needs.
Each year there are a limited number of spots available in the Healthy Track program, and they typically fill up very quickly. We are now accepting applications for our 2018 program, so now is a great time to get started! If you’re interested in learning how you can be matched with a child through CAN’s Haiti adoption program, visit our website or contact our Haiti Adoption Counselor Hilary at hilary@childrenofallnations.com or 512-323-9595 ext. 3062.
- Contact the CAN Matching Team
- Read about Haiti adoption
- Visit the CAN Photo listing to see our Waiting Children from Haiti!

Haiti Valentines
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner! This year, we want to send love to all the kids at our partner orphanages in Haiti. We’re accepting Valentine’s cards and stickers at our office until February 5, 2018, and we’ll send them to the kids for Valentine’s Day.
If you’re interested in sending cards or stickers, please mail them to:
Attn: Hilary Clemons
Children of All Nations
248 Addie Roy Rd.
Suite A102
Austin, TX 78746
If you have any questions, please contact our Haiti Adoption Counselor Hilary at hilary@childrenofallnations.com. Thank you for showing the kids how much we love and care for them!
- Learn about Haiti adoption
- Visit the photo listing to see our Waiting Children from Haiti!
- Contact our CAN Matching Team

New Haiti Referrals
We’re happy to announce that we’ve received TWO new referrals for families that are adopting from Haiti (a boy and a girl)! A referral means that a child has been selected for a family, and it’s an incredible milestone in the adoption journey. Congratulations to the families and their new kiddos from all of us at GWCA and CAN, as they are one step closer to being united. We are incredibly excited for them, and we look forward to following the rest of their journey home!
Haiti Adoption
CAN’s Haiti adoption program has both a Healthy Track and a Waiting Child program. Our Healthy Track program gives families the opportunity to be matched with a medically healthy child, while the Waiting Child program helps find homes for older children, sibling groups, and children of all ages with special needs!
Each year there are a limited number of spots available in the Healthy Track program, and they typically fill up very quickly. We are now accepting applications for our 2018 program, so now is a great time to get started! If you’re interested in learning how you can be matched with a child through CAN’s Haiti adoption program, visit our website or contact our Haiti Adoption Counselor Hilary at hilary@childrenofallnations.com or 512-323-9595 ext. 3062!
- Contact the CAN Matching Team
- Read about Haiti adoption
- Visit the CAN Photo listing to see our Waiting Children from Haiti!

Vacation for Our Hearts
In December 2017, a group of staff members, adoptive families, and other passionate volunteers traveled together to Haiti to support the orphans there. For our Orphan Care Team, it was a life-changing experience. One of the volunteers shares her experience below:
“The primary reason we chose Children of All Nations to facilitate our international adoption was the representatives’ passion for Haiti. From the very beginning, we always expressed an interest in visiting the country, and our desire to keep our adoptive baby’s culture and heritage was both understood and fostered by CAN. To Children of All Nations, Haiti isn’t just a Hague country providing Americans the opportunity to adopt a child in need: it’s a beautiful, beloved country that will adopt us as a family.
Prior to meeting our CAN specialists, we had researched Haiti and were astounded by the history of the island and its people. Haitians are no strangers to strife and have experienced a tumultuous past, seemingly always struggling to overcome obstacles. It is not an island for the faint of heart. We decided quickly that today’s Haiti cannot be read about in a book; it must be experienced. We wanted to learn. We wanted to see where our child’s history will originate, the sights and sounds our child will first experience, and how we can best serve our child in continuing their growth as Haitian-Americans based on the country’s culture, beliefs and values. We felt it was the very least we could do to begin our journey as a transracial Haitian-American family.
When CAN introduced the organization’s idea to coordinate an orphan care trip to families in process, we applied the first day the program was open. This was the opportunity we’d been waiting for. Visiting Haiti requires organized, tough leadership with thorough knowledge of traveling there: the community, currency, political stability, lodging, direction, even down to the location of the closest market and ‘Haitian Home Depot,’ as we called it. CAN exudes that confidence. Our representatives were dependable, knowledgeable, informed, and connected. Honestly, it was as if they were residents. And they were so courteous and allowed each traveler to experience Haiti and the orphanage in their own way, on their own time. So while we adhered to a loose schedule to keep our days full and productive, we had plenty of time to reflect on just what we were experiencing there in an orphanage that might be our baby’s current home. It was profound. And, having our representatives to rely on for all of the essentials provided us the opportunity to have a vacation for our hearts. Since returning to the United States, that’s exactly how my husband and I have described it to our loved ones.
Haiti is a dramatic land. It’s a place of extremes, certainly. I knew of the heat; I knew of the poverty; I knew of the earthquake; I knew of the hurricanes; and I also knew of its beauty. What I didn’t know; however, was of the children. Truthfully, never in my life have I witnessed such positivity, spirituality, hope, and gratitude in stark contrast to the environment and circumstances. The children are cared for, no doubt, and they are loved, but their existence is, like Haiti, tumultuous and rough. The children taught me so much, but mostly, that they have no time to wallow in what they might not have because there’s so much life to be lived. I can only aspire to achieve the attitude of optimism they possess.
Our orphan care trip with CAN was an indescribable experience that one can only appreciate by visiting. The smells, the sounds, the touch of holding a child’s hand are experiences so unique to the orphanage and the island that they very quickly intensified the love I have for the child we have yet to bring into our family. I cannot tell you how highly I recommend putting your trust in CAN and making this trip a reality, prior to your prospective match. My ONLY reservation is, candidly, if you think you are anxious now about the length of this process prior to homecoming, just wait until you experience the love and gratitude for your visit in each and every child’s eyes. It was a few days for the orphans, but it will last a lifetime for us. It’s an experience that has changed our lives for the better, especially as an adoptive family to one of Haiti’s littlest blessings.”
- Haiti Orphan Care Trip
- Check out Hilary’s Blog: Help, Hope, Haiti
- Learn More About Haiti Adoption
- Contact a Haiti Adoption Specialist

Helping Haiti
In December 2017, a group of staff members, adoptive families, and other passionate volunteers traveled together to Haiti to support the orphans there. For our Orphan Care Team, it was a life-changing experience. One of the volunteers shares her experience below:
“When I first heard of this opportunity, I was just so excited to return to Haiti, as I fell in love with the country and the people my first time around. However, I had no idea how rewarding and encouraging this trip would be in relationship to my adoption process.
I was fortunate enough to get to bring my husband this time, and to show him this place in which I’d loved. Meeting our agency rep was especially helpful because we were able to ask several questions during the trip. We were so happy to learn that she was compassionate and fully invested in what was best for our family and our future children. Of course we’d assumed this before based on previous interactions via email, but this was much better.
Perhaps one of the most helpful parts about this trip was getting to talk with other potential adoptive parents. The adoption process in Haiti is so difficult to explain to others who aren’t involved. It was nice to be around people who understood! We’ve made lifelong friendships on this trip!
What I wasn’t anticipating about this trip, was its ability to eradicate some of my worries about adopting from Haiti. I had previously met some children who are not in a currently accredited creche and I was very worried about whether or not I’d be able to welcome into my family, children I hadn’t previously met. That worry was quickly removed upon visiting this new orphanage I hadn’t seen before and seeing all of the beautiful children that I could easily see joining my family someday. My other prior concern was that I would be taking these children from the place they were meant to be and that that would be selfish of me. Haiti is a beautiful country with beautiful people and exquisite culture. I didn’t want to remove that. But after talking to several older children at the orphanage I realized that they truly did want families. They did want to come to America. And I realized that we can continue to take trips to Haiti as a family in order to keep their heritage alive.
It was an incredible experience and I would go back in a heartbeat!! Thank you for the opportunity!”
- Haiti Orphan Care Trip
- Check out Hilary’s Blog: Help, Hope, Haiti
- Learn More About Haiti Adoption
- Contact a Haiti Adoption Specialist

Updates from Haiti
Our Orphan Care Team is headed back to the US after an incredible trip helping the orphans in Haiti! Even though they stayed for just a few days, they left a profound impact on the children there. We want to thank everyone who donated to Haiti Holidays as well! The kids were so excited to receive their gifts from you. Check out highlights from the trip below!
- Toys and supplies donated for Haiti Holidays
- Distributing donations from the Haiti Holidays Donation Drive
- Giving out Haiti Holidays donations
- Holiday gifts for the kids all packed up and ready!
- Building a wall for the orphanage
- The kids helping repaint a classroom
- Hilary and Mallory meeting two precious kiddos!
- An adorable baby at the orphanage
More updates and insights from the Orphan Care Trip will be coming soon! If you’ve been inspired to help the wonderful orphans in Haiti, it’s not too late to make a difference! Our Haiti Holidays Donation Drive runs until January 1st, 2018. Click here to find out how you can make their holidays special!
- Haiti Holidays Donation Drive
- Check out Hilary’s Blog: Help, Hope, Haiti
- Learn More About Haiti Adoption
- Contact a Haiti Adoption Specialist

Arrival in Haiti
I’m riding in the back of a truck and the smells, busy streets, and constant honking always make me feel at home–as if I have lived a life before this one in Haiti.
But, this experience has been different for me. The group is all leaving today, and I did feel somewhat anxious about how this would all pan out. Do I remember how to get to the guesthouse from the orphanage? Will they like what I have planned? Will the group get along? These thoughts swarmed through my head as I was waiting for everyone to arrive. Day one came and went, and the rest of the days followed. Everyone was enjoying the activities and loving Haiti.
I have never felt more joy than I have this week. I have had the opportunity to share something with an entire group that I am so passionate about and help ignite that fire in them as well.
Haiti is a special place, and in my opinion you can’t even describe it– you have to experience it.
I will blog more about this week and what all has happened soon!
-Hilary Clemons, Senior Adoption Counselor/Orphan Care Team Leader
- Haiti Holidays Donation Drive
- Check out Hilary’s Blog: Help, Hope, Haiti
- Learn More About Haiti Adoption
- Contact a Haiti Adoption Specialist