jumping-for-joyWe currently have two CAN adoption specialists in Poland who are meeting with our representatives, visiting adoption centers and meeting children who are living in the orphanages that CAN is partnered with. They have had very limited access to the internet, so they were delighted when they finally had an opportunity to send us an update!

I apologize to anyone who has been looking at my blog for updates on the trip and has not seen any. The WiFi at the guesthouse is down so I have not had much access to any internet.

Anyways, here is what has been going on so far…We met with the 3 adoption centers here in Poland and the meetings went very well! The 3 centers consist of the Catholic center, Provincial center, and National center. Each center operates a little differently and it was wonderful to learn more about the adoption process from their point of view.

Today, we are visiting two orphanages and a group home so we will get to meet some of the children that are available for adoption. I am jumping for joy I am so excited to meet them!!

If you are open to children with Downs, HIV, and sibling groups then this could be the perfect program for you.

I will post more as soon as I am able. ☺️