5 Reasons to Adopt from Poland
For families looking to begin the process of adopting internationally, selecting the right program can seem like a daunting task. In addition to your family’s specific adoption desires (child’s age, needs, etc.), you have to consider what each program has to offer, from the wait time to the travel requirements. Below are five reasons why your family might want to consider adopting from Poland.
We are so excited to share that we will be sending a team from Children of All Nations to Poland this fall to meet with representatives at adoption centers and visit orphanages! These trips not only help us develop and grow our programs, but they provide us with resources that help place more and more children with loving Forever Families. Keep an eye out for program updates coming later this year!
1. Healthy and Waiting Children
Poland’s international adoption program has both a Healthy Track and a Waiting Child program, making it a great fit for families with varying adoption desires. Children in the Healthy Track are generally age 8-15, while children in the Waiting Child track can be as young as 1 year old. The Waiting Child adoption program provides families with the opportunity to be matched with children that are considered more difficult to place based on their age or special needs. Much like the Bulgarian Waiting Child adoption process, families in Poland’s Waiting Child program have the opportunity to play a role in the matching process, as they can request to be matched with a child that their agency is advocating for.
2. Fast Process
While the wait time for many international adoption programs continues to grow, families adopting from Poland’s Healthy Track generally receive their referral within just 12 months of submitting their dossier. Since families in the Waiting Child program are able to request a match earlier on, the process of bringing a Waiting Child home is often even faster! As with any program, however, these wait times may vary based on the age range, gender, and needs that your family is open to.
3. Siblings
In addition to placing older children and children with special needs, Poland’s Waiting Child program strives to find loving forever families for sibling groups of two or more. Adopting a sibling group is an amazing way to provide a shared future to children who have a shared past. If you are considering adopting a sibling group and would like more information, read our blog post “Six Reasons to Adopt a Sibling Group” or contact our CAN matching specialists today.
4. Eligibility
As each international adoption program has its own set of eligibility requirements, families are often surprised to find out that while they may not qualify for one program, there are others which may welcome them with open arms. Poland’s eligibility requirements are relatively open, allowing families to begin their adoption journey once they are just 25 years old. Visit our Poland adoption page for more information on the program’s eligibility requirements.
5. Single Women Are Welcome
While some international adoption programs are only open to married couples, Poland welcomes single applicants for both the Healthy Track and the Waiting Child adoption program! For more information on adopting as a single parent, contact Children of All Nations today!
– Learn more about our Poland adoption program
– Contact a CAN matching specialist
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Here’s the latest blog post from our CAN matching specialist, Hilary. Hilary is currently traveling with a team from CAN to visit both Poland and Bulgaria in order to meet with adoption centers and visit orphanages. If your family is interested in adopting a child or sibling group from Eastern Europe and you’re interested in learning more about these programs, visit our Poland and Bulgaria pages to learn how you can begin your adoption journey!

Traveling to Poland has been my first time to Europe and my second set of orphanages to visit internationally – and I have felt extremely vulnerable the entire trip. The many meetings I have attended I need a translator because I do not understand their language, getting from A to B can be very difficult because I know nothing about subway systems let alone in another language, everywhere I go locals can tell I am not from here, I am starving at random hours, walked 28 miles this week alone and I am exhausted..extremely exhausted. So, now I put myself in an orphaned child’s shoes, shoes which usually are too small or completely worn out. Every time they meet someone like me who is new they most likely don’t understand the language I am speaking, I look different and maybe even act differently. They want to show me everything, tell me everything, and they want to be in every photo I take. Without me telling them that I traveled across the pond just to meet them face to face they already know why I am here.
The first orphanage I traveled to I met a sibling group of three. They have been deemed available for international adoption for sometime now and the director said on the way to meet them that they have given up hope of ever finding a family. The children are older and this unfortunately tends to shy a large majority of families away. As we pulled up to the orphanage the same nauseous feeling always appears as the anticipation of meeting the children rises. We climbed up several flights and I was introduced to another woman who said the children were held back from school and knew someone special was coming to see them(no pressure!). I walked through the center doors and they came running and leaping onto the couches. All three blonde headed and blue eyed cuties. They eagerly shook my hand and sat back down. Engaging with these kids is everything. ALL three of them are amazing. They are so funny, extremely intelligent, and truly want a forever family. However, they know because they are older the chances for them getting a family is slim – and now it’s my job to change that.
If we could all make ourselves a little more vulnerable, speak up, and advocate for others who cannot speak for themselves imagine what a difference we would see in the world.
If you’re interested in learning how you can adopt a child or sibling group from Poland, contact hilary@childrenofallnations.com or visit our Poland adoption page today!
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We currently have two CAN adoption specialists in Poland who are meeting with our representatives, visiting adoption centers and meeting children who are living in the orphanages that CAN is partnered with. They have had very limited access to the internet, so they were delighted when they finally had an opportunity to send us an update!
Anyways, here is what has been going on so far…We met with the 3 adoption centers here in Poland and the meetings went very well! The 3 centers consist of the Catholic center, Provincial center, and National center. Each center operates a little differently and it was wonderful to learn more about the adoption process from their point of view.
Today, we are visiting two orphanages and a group home so we will get to meet some of the children that are available for adoption. I am jumping for joy I am so excited to meet them!!
If you are open to children with Downs, HIV, and sibling groups then this could be the perfect program for you.
I will post more as soon as I am able. ☺️
Welcome Home! – Family Returns from Eastern Europe
Welcome Home!
We are delighted to welcome home one of the families from our Eastern European adoption programs! It is always so wonderful to see a child come home to their Forever Family, and we are so excited to see what their future holds! Congratulations from all of us at GWCA and CAN!
Learn more about our Eastern European adoption programs below:
Over the course of the past few years, our Eastern European adoption programs have continued to grow. As such, the Latvian adoption process has become more stable and predictable, and our Bulgarian Waiting Child adoption program has grown immensely! We now have many Bulgarian Waiting Children on our CAN Photo Listing that are in need of Forever Families. If you are interested in learning how your family can be matched with one of these children or how you can begin your adoption journey in one of our Eastern European adoption programs, contact our CAN Matching Team today!
- Latvia Adoption
- Bulgaria Adoption
- Join our Bulgaria Facebook Group
- Visit the CAN Photo Listing to see Waiting Children
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