We are so happy to announce that we have just received another referral for our Philippines Healthy Track adoption program!
If your family is interested in adopting a healthy child from the Philippines, this is the perfect time to get started! CAN’s Philippines adoption programs have continued to grow over the past few years, offering families a stable adoption process with a variety of options, including Healthy Track, Waiting Child, and Relative adoptions.
Philippines Healthy Track Program
There our countless reasons that our families choose to pursue Philippines Healthy Track adoptions, however, typically it comes down to the age range and health of the child that they are hoping to bring into their family. In addition to a short and simple travel period, this program provides families with the opportunity to be matched with a medically healthy child between the ages of 2.5 and 15 years old, however, they must be open to the possibility of being matched with a child of either gender.
Philippines Waiting Child Adoption
If your family feels strongly about being matched with a child of a specific gender, we would encourage you to look into our Philippines Waiting Child program. Families in this program have the opportunity to look for their child on the Philippines’ Special Homes Findings List which is released each month. This list has pages and pages of Waiting Children that are in need of loving Forever Families. These children are not matched with families through the Healthy Track program as they are considered more difficult to place based on the fact that they are part of a sibling group, they have a need of some sort, or they have had a difficult past and are in need of a family that is ready to help them move forward.
Start Your Journey Today!
Contact our CAN Matching Specialists today to learn how you can start your Philippines adoption journey!
*Due to the privacy policies in place by the Philippines, the picture shown is a stock photo.
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What an exciting time this has been for both our GWCA and CAN adoption programs, as 10 kids are coming home just on time for Spring Break! Having worked with each of these families throughout their adoption processes, we know how eager they are to welcome their newest members home forever, and we are so thrilled that the time has come. CONGRATULATIONS from all of us at GWCA and CAN!
We are so incredibly happy for each of these amazing families and the kids that they are welcoming home! If you are interested in learning how you can begin your adoption journey, contact our Matching Specialists today!
#WelcomeHome #OrphanWarriorWednesday
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EVERYBODY called me Hilary Clinton. I mean EVERYONE. From meeting creche directors, talking to individuals at The Apparent Project, meeting people on the street, and even some of the older children. Every time I introduced myself to someone they would say, “Oh like Hilary Clinton.” Initially in the beginning I would politely laugh it off but after the numerous times that it happened I really did start thinking how funny it was that the common person they knew to compare me to was Hilary Clinton. Hilary also has a foundation in Haiti so I think that is why most Haitians know who she is.
When you pull out your phone and start taking pictures the response you will typically hear is, “ME! ME! ME!” “PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE!” “ME! ME! ME!” But one time I loved in particular was when I took out my phone to take a picture with a little girl and she immediately started making all of these faces. From sticking her tongue out, making kissy faces, and smiling really big. I quickly realized what a pro she was!
Peanut butter is their favorite. I mean FAVORITE. Like do not get yourself caught between the bowl full of it and their eager hands. The first day we arrived we made home made peanut butter with peanuts and a peanut grinder. Most of these children have never had peanut butter and they were not only in love with the taste but also the fact that they could roll in into balls with their hands. It was COMPLETE chaos but the joy in their eyes was something I will never forget. They even proceeded to chase one of the guys making it across the court yard for more!
I met one little girl at a creche we visited around the age of 5. She immediately wanted me to pick her up so of course I had to right?! We walked around outside for a long time and she kept talking in creole and I continued to speak back to her in English neither one of us knowing what the other was really saying. Minutes continued to pass and she continued to talk..I finally asked the orphanage director, “what in the world is she talking about?” He started laughing and said, “she keeps saying she doesn’t know English!” After this we ALL could not stop laughing.
“How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard” -Winnie the Pooh
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If you have read my “
about me” section then you know that I was a Houseparent working with 9 at-risk youth prior to working in the international adoption world. Those children’s ages ranged between 13-18. Before my role as a Houseparent, I worked at a residential treatment center with 30 girls who were between the ages of 14-17. With all of this being said, I have had my fair share of interaction with older children in the foster care system and who are labeled in the international adoption world as “waiting children.” Many days I come to work and this is a hard topic for me. Of course I want EVERY child to find their forever family and in a perfect world the term “orphan” would not exist. But, the reason this is a hard topic for me is because unfortunately a lot of families are only open to adopting younger children. There is a huge stigma that older children will not be as resilient or they will not form attachment, or that the bond just won’t be the same. Now, a lot of this can be considered true, but not just for older children but younger children as well. A younger child may not remember a lot of the past, and yes they may adapt easily in the beginning, but do you know how long the “waiting children” have longed for a forever family? Because I have worked with older children in the system I know the struggles and man can they be hard, but I also know how great the rewards are of breaking down those walls and bonding with a child who has longed for that feeling their entire life (whether they knew that they wanted that relationship or not). Will it be easy? Not always. Will it be worth it? It always was for me! “Waiting Children” constantly see adoptive parents coming to creches and taking children home and wonder if anyone will ever come for them. This is a sad and unfortunate reality. A lot of these older children eventually are even seen as caretakers to the younger children and their whole idea of what a childhood should be is quickly diminished.
While I was in Haiti, I met ALL of the children at the creches I visited and they are ALL incredible! But, there are a few “waiting child” sibling groups I met that really stood out to me and I would love more than anything to help advocate to find them a forever family. To see their photos, visit the CAN Waiting Child Photo Listing, or visit my blog today!
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Our CAN Matching Specialists have just received files for 34 NEW Waiting Children in our Bulgaria and Haiti adoption programs!
Haiti Waiting Children
Our CAN Matching Specialist, Hilary, just returned from her trip to Haiti last week with information on 16 new kids that are in need of Forever Families! If you’re interested in learning how you can be matched with a child or sibling group from our Haiti Waiting Child program, contact her today at hilary@childrenofallnations.com. She has met personally with these children, and would be happy to tell you about her experience!
Bulgaria Waiting Children
In addition to the files that we just received for our Haiti program, our CAN Matching Team has just received files for 18 new children in our Bulgaria Waiting Child adoption program! For this particular program, families can be matched with a Waiting Child at any point in the adoption process. This allows families to be matched right away, making it a relatively fast process overall! Get started with your journey by inquiring about our new kids today!
Due to the privacy policies that Bulgaria has in place, we are unable to share a photo of these kiddos here. If you are interested in seeing their photos, or learning more about them, contact our Bulgaria Matching Specialists visit our CAN Photo Listing, or join our private Bulgaria Waiting Child Facebook group to have updates on the children sent directly to your news feed!
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