Six Reasons to Adopt an Older Child

1. Most of these kids understand what it means to be adopted and have a family, and they want it more than anything in the world.

2. Most of these kiddos are already in school and can be evaluated much more in depth cognitively.

3. Attachment can also be evaluated based on relationships built with caretakers, peers, or foster family.

4. Because the child is older it’s much easier to define their special need (if any) than with an infant.

5. All of the countries that CAN works with have older children available and ready for adoption.

6. You are helping to save a child’s future!

What to Expect
Older children are a wonderful addition to a family. There is typically a longer adjustment process. Keep in mind your older child has had life before this. It’s an abrupt change and requires adjustment to a whole new world. It is important to be patient and seek counseling before, during and after your trip to better understand the phases your child may endure.

Feel free to reach out to our international adoption consultant to learn how to bring your child home now.

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