Rainy Days and Mondays.

Say goodbye to that nasty case of the Mondays! From here on out we will be referring to this day of the week officially as “Media Mondays,” so come on and get excited with us. Consider this your one stop shop to view all current adoption news from the past week, including country and domestic updates, relevant articles, book recommendations, interesting websites, even how we are seeing adoption being talked about in movies, television, the media, etc.

At CAN we know that you, the parents, are our experts so we are calling for your help. Our desire is to make this as interactive as possible, so if you ever have any suggestions about things to add please comment below or E-mail them to Mary at mary@childrenofallnations.com.

This past week in adoption:

  • NBC’s Parenthood.

This T.V. drama produced by NBC is never one to shy away from current, and sometimes controversial, issues. This past week was the season’s finale of Season 4 and as adoption lovers we encourage you to check it out! This show will add color to your story and you’ll be shaking your head in knowingness. The series bravely follows issues of domestic adoption including a birth father’s non-consent, a birth mother’s regret, disruption, older child adoption, and attachment disorders.

  • Official Russian ruling.

On Tuesday, The Russian Supreme Court ruled that families who had been issued court approval to adopt before January 1, 2013 would be able to bring their children home to the United States. This includes families who are currently in their 30 day waiting period after court approval. This is helpful news for the approximately 52 families who are past court approval.

  • Intercountry Adoption Numbers Continue to Decrease.

A report issued by the U.S. Department of State this past week chronicling the decrease of American families adopting foreign-born children over the past eight years. See the full report from the National Council for Adoption here:


  • One family’s story and their journey to their son.

With the near 60% decline of international adoption into American homes since 2004, this writer tells the story of one family who has been waiting for more than 4 years to bring their son home. See the full story here:



Frank and Gabrielle Shimkus in their Pennsylvania home.

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