New: Uganda Program Open for First Ten Families
**Update: Children of All Nations is currently no longer accepting applications for this program. If you’re interested in learning about similar adoption programs, please contact our CAN Matching Specialists today!**
We are very excited to announce that we are now taking 10 new families for our Uganda adoption program! The process in Uganda requires families to be flexible and patient, but yields young healthy children who are in great need of adoption. Uganda is located in Sub-Saharan Africa which is the poorest region in the world. These children need an adoption warrior like you. Contact one of our International Adoption Counselors today.
$1000 Hosting Fees Paid
A big thanks to a gracious donation that has allowed for $1000 to be applied towards the next TWO families that move forward with Philippines Hosting.
We wish we could share their adorable photos here, but to protect them we can’t. Contact our Philippines matching team TODAY and they would be happy to share with you more about these kids and how you can host them this summer!
What is Hosting?
Hosting is a chance to show a a child what it’s like to a part of family. It’s a chance to advocate for a child’s forever family in a way that they may have not ever been advocated for. It’s one step closer to helping a child find their forever family.
Open your home for 4-5 weeks and share your life with a child this summer!
Read MorePhilippines Hosting: A “Stay-cation” with a twist!
Philippines Hosting: A “Stay-cation” with a twist!
Did you know that your own home is a prime vacation destination? To an orphan in the Philippines, your home is an oasis where a child can find out what the love of a family is outside of the orphanage. Last winter, an amazing group of children had the opportunity to spend a “stay-cation” in a home with a family – we want to provide that same opportunity this summer for a new group of children. Make memories like the one in the photo with a host child and be an Orphan Warrior for one amazing kid!
Bring one of the amazing children in our Philippines program to spend a 4-5 week long vacation with your family this summer! All proceeds go toward the children’s hosting costs. The kiddos in our Philippines program are healthy, know some English, and are excited to spend time with you and your family! Whether you want to host to adopt or host to advocate, WE NEED YOU! Hosting Grants ARE AVAILABLE NOW! Ask us today! Tentative dates are mid-July through mid-August, so if you’re ready to be an #OrphanWarrior, contact or for more details. Or apply today!
Read MoreHosting Works
In the fall of 2014 we heard last-minute about the Great Wall Winter Hosting Program. Our family felt compelled to move forward with the program and host a boy during the holidays. We entered the program with the possibility that we might adopt, but it could be that we were to advocate for the child.
We chose to host a six-year-old boy who turned seven a few days after his arrival in the US. Our family welcomed him into our home and he settled in quickly into our busy holiday schedule. We celebrated his birthday, attended a family wedding, enjoyed several Christmas gatherings, had numerous play dates, and stayed at my parents’ farm for a few days. It was a delightful time and he added a lot of fun boy-energy to our home with three daughters!
About halfway through our hosting, we knew we had to make a decision about whether to move forward to adopt or to advocate for his adoption. Our prayer had been that we would know whether to adopt or advocate. He fit into our family so well and we love him so, but for reasons we couldn’t really understand, our family felt we were to advocate for his adoption. That was December 31st. Our family prayed that God would lead us to the family who was to be his adoptive family.
That night at the New Year’s Eve Service at our church, a lady I knew casually came over to ask a few questions about the hosting program. As we talked and I shared about adoption (our three daughters are adopted), it became evident that this family would probably be his forever family. They had talked about adopting at some point and recently had discussed that with the ages of their biological children, it might be a good time to move forward with adoption. On January 2, they made the phone call to Great Wall to start the adoption process.
We could not have selected a better family for him! He will join a family of loving parents with a sister and brother close in age to him. The boy is three years older and the girl is about a year older, so they will be in the same school and participate in a lot of the same activities.
What we couldn’t understand quickly became evident and the beautiful journey continues to unfold. The rest of the time he was in our home, we made more memories with him that we will always cherish! The last two weeks, we spent many hours with the adoptive family, though he did not know they would be his forever family (in keeping with hosting guidelines).
Our family is so blessed to know this family even better and have our host boy grow up in our community. Of course, the first few months, we will keep our distance as he bonds with his forever family, but we look forward to being part of his life and watching him grow! What an amazing journey for us, the host boy, and the adoptive family as several lives are changed forever through this hosting experience!
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5 New Referrals from the Philippines
Happy Friday! We have exciting news to share – we have received 5 referrals of children from the Philippines. Congratulations to these families! We only have five spots left for families wishing to adopt a relatively younger child from Philippines. Contact Jeanne@childrenofallnations.
Philippines Host Kids are NOW Available!
We have the children listed on the photo listing. Due to Philippines confidentiality, the kids photos are not listed. If you request more information on them, one of our hosting team members will contact you and provide them and additional information for you.
Read MoreNEW! Student Ambassador Exchange Program
We are currently recruiting host families for our Homestay Program in Austin, Texas. We have partnered with St. Michael’s Catholic Academy and will be assisting them in finding host families for their international students. We believe our adoptive families are the perfect choice for international exchange students! It presents you with the opportunity to learn more about a culture different from your own and allows you to help a student grow and learn as they live with you during the school year. You’ll have the support of a SAE/CAN Program Coordinator and receive a small monthly stipend to offset the costs of housing the student.
Families should have a bedroom available for exchange students, which may be shared with a child of the same gender and approximate age. Families should also be willing to assist the student in getting to and from school, or to St. Michael’s convenient drop-off transportation locations in Austin. For more on host family requirements, you can visit our website to learn more about becoming a Host Family in Austin, Texas.
China Summer Hosting Photo Listing Now Available
It’s official! The 2015 Summer Hosting Program is starting off with a big bang! We have already matched some really great kiddos thanks to our VIP families that registered early. We only have 40 spots available and as of this evening there are 36 spots available which will decrease by several over night.
Visit our hosting page here to request a password and begin looking at all of the sweet children ready to visit America.
Please reach out to our matching team today if you are interested in being a part of the 2015 Hosting Experience. Our hosting program has so much to offer for those who are looking for a way to give back to these sweet children.
We need families that are looking to host to adopt, or host to advocate. What does host to advocate mean? It means bringing a child into your home for the summer and giving them the experience of a family. But more than that, it’s getting to know them as a person to help in the advocacy efforts of finding them a forever family. It’s sharing that child’s story with your friends, family and community in efforts to find that child’s forever family. It’s committing to that child wholly knowing you will not stop until you find the family that can best serve that child’s needs. It’s being that child’s advocate.
We also need families as back up host families. Unforeseen circumstance occur, and situations present themselves that not everyone can handle. In case of an emergency we need families all over the united states ready to take action in the event the child can not stay the entire time with their original host family.
We need chaperone host families. Families that want to open their home to one of the caretakers that will be traveling with the children. The adults that travel with children also need a place to stay, you could provide that for them at no cost to your family.
We need home safety visit providers, approved individuals that can help families get their home approved for hosting a child.
Lastly we need advocates, we need people like you that are reading this right now because you care about the children, to share the hosting program information with people you know. You can share a child’s photo listing photo on your Facebook, twitter, etc. Help get these kid’s faces out there so we can find their host family and potential forever family!
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