We Need You to Advocate for the Adoption Tax Credit!

What is the adoption tax credit?

The adoption tax credit, which can be claimed for eligible adoption-related expenses, has helped thousands of American families offset the high cost of adoption since the credit was established in 1997. It has made adoption a financially viable option for many parents who might not otherwise have been able to afford adoption, allowing them to provide children with loving, permanent families. With over 100,000 children in the U.S. foster care system currently eligible for adoption, and an ever increasing number of orphaned and abandoned children worldwide languishing in institutions, the continuation of the adoption tax credit is vital to providing love, safety, and permanency through adoption to as many children as possible.

History of the Adoption Tax Credit

  • The adoption tax credit has historically been a non-partisan issue, and is supported by the current administration as well as a majority of members of Congress.
  • Although several different bills have been introduced to establish the adoption tax credit and make it a permanent part of the U.S. tax code, Congress has never passed legislation specific to the credit itself. Instead, the adoption tax credit has been extended every year since its initial passage as part of the Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996.
  • In December 2010, the Tax Relief Act extended the adoption tax credit through tax year 2012; for this year, the credit is once again nonrefundable.
  • The current adoption tax credit is set to sunset on December 31, 2012. If it is allowed to expire, after tax year 2012 the adoption tax credit will revert back to a maximum tax credit of $6,000 for parents adopting children with special needs, and there will be no adoption tax credit available for all other adoptive parents beginning in tax year 2013.

For the full Adoption Tax Credit Advocacy Kit, click here.

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Haiti Updates

Currently, a CAN staff member is in Haiti with about 6 families who are traveling to visit their children while waiting to be approved to leave Haiti at various stages. Families are allowed to visit their adoptive children monthly while waiting for the adoption to be finalized. We’re very excited for all of these families! Our CAN staff member says, “Everyone is so amazing and very energetic. I spent a while playing with the kids and touring the creche yesterday. They just got a playscape a few weeks ago & have no concept of appropriate slide decorum. They were climbing every which way, it’s hilarious! The babies are beautiful!”

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More Referral News!

We just received referrals for triplets from Haiti, as well as a referral for a little girl from Haiti!

Last week, we received a referral from Ethiopia for a 4 year old girl and a 9 year old boy!

So happy for these families!

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First Ghana Referral Received!

We’re VERY excited to announce that we received our very first referral yesterday for our Ghana program! The family’s dossier was sent about a month ago! The referral is for a baby boy, less than one year old! We’re all very excited for this family.

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US Private Adoption program now OPEN!

It’s official!

Children of All Nations’ US private adoption program is now officially up and running for birth parents and adoptive parents.

If you’re experiencing an unexpected pregnancy, and want to know more about your options, be sure and read this information.

If you’re considering adoption, and want to know more about our domestic program, click here for more information.

If you have any questions, please feel free to send an email!

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Rwanda Program: Update

As of today, we will not be accepting any new applications for our Rwanda program. We will be sure to update you when the program re-opens.

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November is National Adoption Month

November is National Adoption Month. Did you know there are over 107,000 children and youth in foster care in the United States alone? Did you know there are an estimated 145 million orphans worldwide?

Raising awareness about adoption, internationally AND domestically, is extremely important. Each one of these children longs for a mother’s embrace. Each one of these children yearns to have a forever family and stability in their lives. Each little boy and girl want to know that their parents will be waiting for them when they come home each day. Each boy and girl wants to feel wanted and needed.

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Referral News Updates

We have received two referrals for Ethiopia in the last week! One for a 4 month old little girl, and one for a 6 year old little girl!

We also received 17 Waiting Child referrals this week!

So happy for all of our families!

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