Meet Our Exchange Students!

Host an Exchange Student – Great Wall’s SAE Photolisting

Our Student Ambassador Exchange (SAE) program offers an amazing way to get connected with another culture through hosting an exchange student. It is FREE for families to host an exchange student.

SAE offers the opportunity for a child from another country to receive an education here in the United States. We have a separate SAE Photolisting that provides families with the opportunity to meet students in our exchange student program. This program is separate from our adoption program, but it is an amazing way for previous adoptive families or families considering adoption to get connected with another culture in a fun, free way.

SAE hopes to provide an environment that will encourage our adoptive, potential adoptive, or even just inquiring families to participate in the educational and cultural programs that make student exchange possible, and more importantly, connect our world for every child’s future. Make the dream for one student come true – grow your family by one this school year, connect with another culture, and share the journey of student exchange!

You can visit our SAE Photolisting to meet any of the talented, bright students hoping to enroll in our program next year! Check out these profiles here below of two students from China waiting to be matched:

Sofia is a 9th grade student from Spain who loves helping people – she dreams of being a dentist when she’s older. In her spare time, you’ll find her creating art work and avoiding her math homework.

Federico is a 9th grade student from Spain who is a huge film buff – his favorite genre is horror. He also enjoys cooking Spanish and Italian dishes.


Interested in learning more about any of our students or about how your family can get involved in cultural exchange? Contact us below & we’ll be happy to help.

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