Hello GWCA/CAN Families,
This summer, our families sent pictures of their children enjoying summer! It was so cute to see little ones learning how to swim and run around on the beach! The families I chat with are just beginning their adoption journey, and I know they enjoyed their summer vacations as well. As September begins, they want to begin their adoption journey and realize how much of an investment it is.
Adoption is definitely an investment: time, emotion, and money. But well worth every bit of the investment! Part of my job is to help families find a way to begin this journey, financially. There are many ways families can get financial assistance with their adoption. Have you ever looked into your benefits at work to see what they offer? What about your local bank or place of worship for adoption grants and loans? Here is a link for financial assistance.
If you want to know more about adoption grants possibly available to your family, contact me today. I am always happy to assist your family.
Lizzie Kovach
Adoption Consultant