Expect the Unexpected
With adoption in particular, things are often not what they seem they should be, whether it’s rules and regulations, eligibility restrictions, understanding what makes a Waiting Child or who, where and why a child is even up for adoption. The most important thing to remember when adopting is having realistic expectations, as you never know exactly how the process will go.

At CAN we strive to provide the most realistic expectations for our families to help them make the best decisions for their family. We try to encourage families to ask as many questions as possible so we can provide them with all the information that we do have, or direct them in the right direction for the best answers. It is very important that we discuss each child specifically so everyone understands the best and worst case scenarios that could occur for a particular child. Our goal is for a family to feel as prepared as possible to be the best family for their child.
We want our families to be confident in much more than just their decision to adopt. We want them confident in the needs of their child, the country they are adopting from and most importantly the agency that is facilitating it all. No matter the country, child or agency, there will be an adjustment when your child comes home. Our agency strives to make families aware of all possible situations, but the best advice we have heard from families is to have no expectations at all, be prepared for anything and everything, and expect the unexpected.
Feel free to contact our international adoption consultant at info@childrenofallnations.com with any questions or concerns about adoption.