Phillipines Hosting

Today 19 children are arriving from the Philippines for our first hosting program! One of our team members will be at the airport tonight to meet one of the kids and their host family. This is super exciting because it’s the first Christmas many of these kids will have with a family EVER, and it’s the first Winter host program the Philippines has ever done! Some of these kids come from the Typhoon-affected areas, so we are also taking them away from these disaster zones for a month while they continue to rebuild them. We’re so happy this is finally happening, as we’ve been working on this for most of the year. We hope most of these kids will get adopted through the hosting program and our Philippines adoption program will see a huge jump in numbers!

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Goal Reached for Philippines Typhoon Relief!

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Community Outreach for National Adoption Month

In celebration of National Adoption Month our staff at Children of All Nations and Great Wall China Adoption engaged in community outreach projects around Austin, Texas.

Adoption Knowledge Association

Staff members manned a booth for families to explore the process of international adoption and ask questions to the adoption consultants. GWCA/CAN staff also gained some wonderful insight by taking part in the many adoption related seminars provided by the AKA organization.  Staff attended education sessions headed by experts in the fields of occupational therapy, attachment disorders, neural development in early childhood, loss and trauma.  CAN and Great Wall staff was also able to network with other entities in the adoption world to build a stronger net of resources that could be offered to adoptive and potential adoptive families.

Church Outreach

Many churches took part in an effort to reach out to their congregations’ needs for information on adoption and orphan advocacy on Orphan Sunday.  CAN was the representative for International, infant domestic and embryo adoption programs.  The goal was to get an idea of how we can make a bigger and better impact on the community in this regard by combining our services and education with the church’s outreach, the community in need and the facilities.  Next year, during National Adoption Month in Austin Texas, CAN and community churches will be serving a greater number of families with answers to their questions.

St. Edward’s University “Careers in International Social Justice Employer Panel”

One of CAN’s International Adoption Consultants was a panelist representing Children of All Nations and Great Wall China Adoption.  The panelists were asked to help the students interested in International Studies prepare themselves for a job in international advocacy or justice. They were asked to describe the daily work and also the challenges that they face every day in their unique positions.  The main theme from the panelists in regards to advice for the students was that having experience that sets you apart from all the others will take you far.  The panelists described the internships and volunteer work that they did to gain this type of experience and how it helped mold their talents for future jobs.  Also they gave a good sense of why they do the jobs they do, and how they were not planning on having that job, but that it was indeed the right fit for them in the end given their unique experiences.

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What makes a “good family?”

What each person considers to be a “good family” varies by perspective, culture, and often upbringing. Here at CAN, we have to consider families based on eligibility for many countries, such as how long the parents have been married, their ages, financial stability, etc. However, what do the children think makes a “good family?” Do you have to be a superhero of some sort? Not necessarily, though that would be cool.

This blog post was inspired by a 12 year old girl we will call Danielle, from Bulgaria. Danielle has a little brother named Derrick, and they are both featured on our Waiting Child list and today’s CAN Newsletter. Danielle’s quote inspired our thoughts on what is important to a child when it comes to having a family. Danielle said, “I want a good, normal family, not very rich, because money may deplete, that is why it is better for a family to be good.”

The things adults think of that may constitute a good family are not the same as what a child thinks. We must think on a child’s level, outside our boxes, if you will. Would a child think about your finances? Would they think about your social status? Would they think about the size of your house, car, or even having their own room? Most likely, a child who has been in an institution most of their lives, or who is a toddler, has no concept of any of these things. They think like Danielle. They want a “good family.” And by good, they mean someone to love them, hug them when they cry, be there when they are scared, to give them stability, and someone to call “mom” or “dad.” They want someone who will call them their son or daughter, and who will be proud of them.

Right now let’s also consider what is important to a child while they are in the orphanage so we can better understand why the things above are so much more important. Imagine having nothing to call your own. These children don’t have their own bed, toys, clothes, shoes, or even bath towel. Many of these kids pass the same towel around after bathing (which may happen only once a week), and then have to go grab clothes first come, first served out of a pile. Hopefully, they will find something that fits, or is even made for their gender. As you read this, the kids in the orphanages are thinking that food, clothing, and shelter are important at this moment in their lives. Thus, the items that you may covet or think are important to them are actually things they never dreamed of. Sure, providing them with a nice place to live will be wonderful for them, but most importantly, keep in mind they need your love and support, and of course, to know that they will be cared for by you.

Earlier we asked, what do the children think makes a “good family.” The answer CAN has for you is that YOU can be a good family if you simply love, care for, and cherish these children. It doesn’t matter if your family is big or small, from a farm or the big city, or if you prefer watching TV over running a marathon. Of course, we have the laws and eligibility of each country to contend with, but beyond that, don’t put pressure on your family to be what the American dream says is “ideal.” You don’t have to be of a certain lifestyle, religion, or creed to take the leap of faith and make room in your heart and family for a child who needs you and little else.

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FACTS: Get Educated on HIV and Adoption

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Philippines Disaster Relief – How you “CAN” Help!

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Don’t Stop Believin’ in the Philippines

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The Many Faces of a Waiting Child

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Families are Being Created with Children of All Nations!

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Featured CAN Program: Bulgaria!

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