Meet Kim Moore!
For the next couple of weeks we are going to be sharing something special with you called “Staff Spotlight,” a blog mini-series every Wednesday! We are excited to give our families a little glimpse of the staff here at GWCA and CAN so that you can see who we are, and why we love doing just what we do. Every day we come to work and love to connect with our families, but now we are going to show you whose faces are behind every phone call, letter and E-mail received!
Our first staff member that we want to introduce you to is Kim Moore, our China Waiting Child Program Manager! Kim is the kind of co-worker that everyone wants to have and we are positive that our families are in the best hands when working with Kim. Her passion, consistency, and warmth are contagious.
So without further ado… Meet Kim!
Kim posing like many of the pictures we receive from the kids in China.
1. What is your job title and description here at GWCA?
I am the Waiting Child Program Manager. Not only do I oversee our GWCA Waiting Child Program, I work very closely with our Waiting Child Team to help match families with our waiting angels. I have the honor to be able to help educate, guide, and assist families with identifying their forever child. I work with many families in all stages of their adoption journey and it is my goal to ensure that they have a positive relationship with our team, our children, and their adoption journey.
- How long have you been working at Great Wall?
I have been working with GWCA for about 1 year.
- What do you enjoy most about your job?
I love helping the families and children. Just helping 1 child come home to a safe, loving, and stable forever family is the most wonderful experience. I thoroughly enjoy getting to know a family and helping them realize their dream of adoption. Uniting families is important and it is a wonderful experience to see these waiting angels come home.
- What is the most difficult aspect of your job?
The most challenging aspect of this position is trying to provide the best advocacy and outreach for all of our waiting children. There are over 2000 waiting children within China and providing individualized and personal advocacy for each of these children is challenging. I want to be able to help each one of these children find their forever family. The more education I can provide families about adoption, special needs, and the beauty of a specific child is highly important to me. I enjoy the challenge of creating new ideas for advocating for our children and love knowing that families are so eager to help too.
- How have you grown personally from working at GWCA, and with their families?
There are so many ways I have personally grown from working with GWCA and with our wonderful families. Adoption holds a very special place in my heart as I myself was adopted internationally. Although at the time, there was no special needs track, I myself would have been considered a waiting child as well. Several of my family members were also internationally adopted; many of whom also have special needs. Knowing how the power of love and family can change the life of a child inspires my passion to help bring home these waiting children and unite them with their forever family.
Working in this position has shown me how wonderful families are in considering this option for their adoption. There are so many families who may have not ever considered these children and I feel that it is important for me personally to help educate and support families who are considering this track. It has also been a challenge as I want to show families that there are many conditions that are very manageable and is an option that should be explored. I have learned so much from adoptive parents and families, and have been able to share my own experiences and advice coming from an adult adoptee perspective.
Working within this field has brought me closer to the adoption community and has helped in my understanding and feelings of my own adoption as well.
- Why do you love adoption?
I love adoption because I think every child deserves to know the love and support of a family. Children were not meant to grow up and be raised in institutions and I want to help as many children as possible realize the beauty of family. Along with my personal experiences (noted above), I have spent over 5 years professionally working with children and families. Adoption is overall a very positive experience for families and I am thrilled to work within such a supportive community. My background includes working with families through child development stages and major life transitions. All of these experiences have helped me better guide families through the journey of adopting a waiting child.
1. I was adopted internationally from South Korea
2. My “special need” that I would have been labeled with if there was a waiting child program would have been multiple hemangiomas.
3. I am learning the Hangul language and plan to travel to S. Korea for the 1st time since my adoption in September.
4. I have no adopted children, but I have adopted a cat (Niko) and a dog (Cherry).
“I am so happy to hear Kim is today’s Staff Spotlight choice. Kim is so passionate and works extremely hard to bring children home to their forever families. I admire Kim for her dedication to China adoption. Each day, I find myself learning from Kim as she counsels and assists families through their adoption journey.” –Kim’s coworker
Don’t forget to check back next Wednesday to see who will be featured on “Staff Spotlight!”
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